Current Charrette:

In order to actually keep this thing moving along the fine folks at LAUNCH Cleveland have joined w/ |re|decle to celebrate the community based idea of taking back the streets. With this in mind a whole new series of charrettes is being offered at LAUNCH based upon the premise of studying existing street conditions and questioning what would make them better. Now that LAUNCH (with its much smoother running web presence) is offering hosting space this site will begin to dwindle towards nothingness as the new location takes over. Do not fret, the events here are being archived and saved for posterities sake. In the mean time jump on over to the new website and take a look at the new charrettes.


Updates appear below in chronological order. You may organize posts by specific charrettes (to the right) or browse through them in order of posting.

Charrette 2007.07.01

reDesign Cleveland Charrette 2007.07.01

location: Cleveland
intent: Summer rewards the urban traveler with a rather limited assortment of street stands. A far cry from the urban street markets of china which create exterior parks and street communities which foster interaction and greatly increase street vitality. This charrette will ignore the legal and licensing ramifications of creating a street stand for the city however you must play by a certain set of rules.

The stand can only take up 5'x5' when in use (but can utilize existing structures such as lamp posts etc to open up) and must be able to close up itself (for security) and provide a public amenity in it's 'stored' position while ideally taking up half the space as when open. You must also decide what your stall should sell. Pay no attention to market trends or logistics, just create something to fill your heart with joy.

submission form: Maximum of 2 (800x600 dpi) electronic images (jpeg preferred), 100 word max description.
deadline: 2007.07.31
registration fee: Free to a good home
prizes: The joy of creation
judging: My mom says you are all pretty

overall timeline:
2007 07.02 - Charrette release
2007 07.31 - Submission deadline
2007 08.07 - Submissions posted online